Friday, September 15, 2006

The List is a Fucking T-Shirt

A t-list is a t-shirt with your top 5 list on it.

According to the site, you can...

Become part of the vernacular and have people in bars say: "Dude, that band is definitely on my t-list, too."

And what could be more fun than that??? You can list your top 5 bands or, get this, your top 5 overrated bands. I know, I know: just thinking about it is exhilarating. (I mean, look at the enthusiasm that has infected her face?)

Seriously, I think this is the most repugnant idea I've encountered all week...

T-List. Now argue for hours anywhere.

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Blogger WD said...

I definitely sympathize with the impulse to hate this idea. But I wonder if it's actually so bad. For one thing, contrived as it is, it is a conversation starter -- and I think we ought to promote more conversations. This is especially the case if those conversations are polite debates with strangers, which our generally nonconfrontational, sanitized culture could benefit from. I wonder if the poverty of the discourse that circulates around lists on the Internet would extend into face-to-face social interactions: It's harder to say "you're wrong, douche bag" to someone's face.

11:54 AM  
Blogger John E. Uhl said...

I would agree if I felt like discourse would be the actual result of these t-shirts. More likely, these things (if anyone actually winds up wearing them) will simply inspire obnoxious, judgemental remarks to be uttered under the breath or amongst a crowd of onlooking non-t-list wearers, as opposed to out in the open. I just can't imagine it becoming cool to have a polite discussion in a bar or concert where one of these shirts would presumably be worn. If it's lame to have a polite discussion on the Internet, where participation is anonymous, it's even more lame to do it out in the public where your friends will see what a pansy you are. Mostly this seems like an excuse to brand an idea. Also, the very idea of "individualizing" these shirts speaks to the inherent limitation of the list-as-expression. There's only so many creative ways to put your stamp on an inventory of 5 objects. One way is to come up with a creative title for your list, but t-list has already taken that option away from its customers.

11:32 AM  

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